It is so hard to believe that Stella has already been home with us for 6 weeks now. We have been very busy this week with doctor appointments. On Wednesday Stella saw her Cardiologist who is very happy with how things are looking. Today we went to a follow-up neonatal appointment where we met with a Neurologist, Nutritionist, Physical Therapist, and Pediatrician. Her muscle tone is a little weak throughout her entire body. We will start really working mainly on her upper body. Other then that they were all very happy with what they saw. Princess Stella has gained 3 pounds since she has been home and weighs in at 11.5 lbs and is 22 inches long. We have gotten very strict orders from her Pediatrician concerning RSV season. We will not be able to really take her anywhere except doctor appointments until late March. Needless to say, we are going to have a long winter! It took Stella a couple weeks to really get settled in. She had a hard time with the environment change. Now she is as happy as can be and it is wonderful just to be a normal family. We are very happy that Stella is a good sleeper at night. During the day she refuses to take naps in fear of missing something exciting. By the time night rolls around she is exhausted and so are Stefano and I. We are still waiting to get our house sold in Italy. Unfortunately they are having the same economy issues as the US. On December first I will be having a hysterectomy. I cannot wait!!!! My uterus, ovaries, and cervix have made my life hell now for a lot of years! I will not miss them in the slightest. I hope you all like the new blog. Stefano did a great job on it and we can do a lot more stuff with it. I will update again in the next couple days. As of now we are doing pretty well.